I have to say that I am rather impressed with Ideal Hatchery. I went on their waiting list for cuckoo marans pullets and within a week I had 13 adorable cuckoo marans chicks in my brooder at my house. It's now been a week and besides the 2 that got squished in transit, all are doing really well. Ideal refunded my money when I called and told them what happened. Oh, and they sent 8 sex-link cockerel "packing peanuts" to keep the marans warm. My original hens came from Ideal via my local feedstore, and I have a horrible time convincing people that my adult hens are not for sale. I really hope that the cuckoo's lay the gorgeous dark brown eggs that my adult cuckoo hen is laying (every day no less). I have a 1 yr old rooster who is just absolutely gorgeous and will begin breeding cuckoo marans next year, provided the new pullets lay the nice extremely dark eggs.
Went to the mall a few days ago cuz I got a tip that the petstore had "weird" chickens. All they had left was 7 barred rock chicks that were a month old for $3 each!! I told her I would take all the pullets. The lady asked me if I knew how to sex them and I taught her how to sex the chicks. She then asked if I would be willing to take the cockerels for free. I said sure!! Now I have 4 barred rock pullets and 2 barred rock hens that are 2 yrs old. I also will raise the cockerels and keep the best for breeding next year. I'm so excited!! I really like my barred rock hens, they are sweet and friendly.
I adopted a gorgeous buff orpington rooster. He isn't the friendliest thing in the world, but he isn't outright mean either. He will be paired with two buff hens I will be getting from mom as soon as I get a breeding pen built.
All in all it's been a great week!
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